This year we are aiming to raise £10,000 to help fund an Education Centre in Alexandra Township. The money raised will be used to help establish a new Education Centre at Sakhimfundo, (meaning “Growing Through Education”), a brand new purpose built Youth Centre located in the Township. You will recall that two years ago we raised a similar sum to help kickstart the building of a Performing Arts Centre at Sakhimfundo. Now, thanks to monumental efforts on the part of our South African partners, the Performing Arts Centre is up and running as a new home for our youth dance group, Sigiya Sonke! For more information about the plans for the second phase of the Centre, an Education facility, click HERE to see a really clever virtual tour. And here’s more information about the need for such a facility.
How you can help us reach our target
For many years now we have successfully applied to be part of the Big Give Christmas Challenge whereby 50% of our target is made up of supporter donations which are then matched by Big Give Charity Champions. Sadly this year the Big Give have declined to offer us any Charity Champion match funding meaning we’ve had to re-think our approach to reaching our £10,000 target. We will be able to raise £5,000 through the Big Give from a combination of pledge funds and donations promised by our supporters. This year we don’t intend to ask for any more funds to be donated through the Big Give – in the absence of Charity Champion match funding there is nothing to be gained for either us or the donor.
So instead we are asking for our supporters to help us make up the other £5,000 by donations paid directly to us. By far the most cost effective way for us to receive donations is via online banking which cost us nothing. Donation platforms always charge fees. So if you would like to donate – free of fees – then please email us at and we will gladly supply the necessary bank details, (and Gift Aid form if you are a UK taxpayer who qualifies for gift aid), to enable you to donate directly into our account. Alternatively if you would prefer to donate via Just Giving, (please note their fees will be deducted from your donation), then click the “Donate” button which you can find on any page of this website.
Many thanks in anticipation of your support for this much needed and very worthwhile enterprise.